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Pune Municipal Corporation goes online!

. Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Pune Municipal Corporation has launched an "e-governance, to serve citizens better!"
Check out PMC website for paying online property taxes and getting the Birth and Death Certificates, too .....[ oops! - this part is not working!!}

Website: Pune Municipal Corporation
TOI's Pune Mirror:You can register a complain on Google Earth for the bad road conditions and they promise to resolve it in 48 hours*.
* = conditions apply.

The other sections includes: Online tenders and Right to Information, is full of information.

Take a while and check this out.

Beat the heat with Sugarcane Juice


Roadside vendors are seen with their hand-made juicer selling the sugarcane juice this summer.
Ranging from 5 Rs. half glass to 10 Rs. full glass, the juice with some ice cubes helps to reduce the body heat.